cloud is a username i don't kin the bitch from final fantasy


cloud | any pronouns | white | 18 | tme | USA | ??????

tumblr | twitter


i don't really have very much big dnf stuff, just keep in mind:

  • i have the block button.

  • please don't ship/kin real people

  • if you sexualize minors please fuck off and block me on the way out

obviously standard stuff applies too, if you need my opinion on Big Discourse feel free to dm me

i tend to tag stuff like spoilers on tumblr but not on twitter. tws/cws i try to tag but if you need me to add tags to a post please let me know

i tend not to follow back - it's nothing personal i just don't want a clogged feed

interest time

houseki no kuni
vast error*
blaseball (🕵)
touhou project
pokemon/general nintendo
ikuhara anime (mostly utena + penguindrum)

lots more i do not have listed here!! notably music, which i'll make a proper page for eventually

*i do not care about homestuck anymore i feel the need to stress this

non-media interests

sea life
